For anyone that may have forgotten, let us remind you that ‘simcha’ means joy. It follows that a simcha should be just that: a joyful experience. Though it is okay for the event and its involving preparations to be mingled with some stress and rankled nerves, it should not be the overwhelming emotion. Let us come up with some practical tips for increasing our productivity when preparing for a simcha while reducing stress at the same time.
- Layout a budget in advance. Haggling with a caterer or musician over price quotes or starting to downsize after you have already begun certainly won’t do good for your blood pressure and is a perfect waste of precious time. Set somewhat of a margin first, and then work around it.
- Make lists, lists, and more lists. Be sure to cross out an item when you’ve completed it. Buy a planner or calendar for the occasion and fill it to the brim.
- Keep all of your important information, such as names, phone numbers and recorded discussions in one convenient place, such as a small notebook or rolodex.
- Let’s talk priorities. Consider whether it’s worth the strain to hem and haw over the color theme, invitations designs, or dessert table.
- Don’t be hesitant about delegating responsibility or asking for help. Leave smaller, but time consuming tasks, such as stuffing envelopes or filling trays, for children, helpful friends, and benevolent neighbors. You may be surprised to find that many actually enjoy participating.
We’d be glad to hear more comments and ideas from our visitors about how to conquer anxiety and let happiness triumph. Have a freilichen Simchah!